Thursday, November 12, 2009

Very cute he is

Cole had a great Halloween. The weekend before we went to a pumpkin patch with some friends, where he got to pick out his own little pumpkin and check out the animals. They had a hay maze that Cole wanted to walk through, but we had to take him out since he was holding up the crowd. His speed wasn't very great at that point, plus he wanted to stop to pick up pieces of hay along the way. At the rate we were going it would have taken an hour to get through the maze.

On Halloween weekend, he got to wear his costume twice, once on Friday and then again on Saturday. He was quite the hit! On Saturday night, our street does this huge block party event. Everyone comes out on their driveways and sets up games or activities for the kids, or just hands out candy. We had our bean bag game set up and the kids seemed to love it! Cole loved marching up and down the driveway and trying to figure out what the big kids were doing. The best part was the house down the street. They happened to have a Star Wars theme at their house, so of course Cole had to take pictures with all their cardboard characters. Everyone was checking out "Baby Yoda".

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

He's one already???

Somehow, John and I have survived the first year of Cole's life. It was definitely the fastest year of my life. I can't believe how much he has changed these last 12 months. He went from being a screaming, hungry, blob of a baby to this little bundle of energy with a full-on personality. He is like a force of nature. He walks all over the place and just this week has learned how to point at things that he wants. This has made him quite demanding, especially at meal times. If he wants his sippy cup of milk, he points, yells and then bangs on his tray until we give it to him. Just like his daddy, he wasn't overly interested in his cupcake on his birthday. In fact, the first thing that he did was pick it up and throw it to the floor. It's fun to watch him get interested in new things, like when we went to the zoo a few weeks ago. John had him up against the fence and you could just see his little brain wondering "what are we looking at?" He is very curious and so fun to be around. Our favorite game right now is called "I'm gonna get you" in which John or I would tell him that we are "going to get him" and he squeals in delight and takes off waddling away from us, laughing hysterically. Unfortunately at this point, he only has one speed, which is slow. I'm sure that he will be running in no time, which is frightening for those of us that have to keep up with him.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


View of the creek from the porch

View of the Sedona red rocks as a storm was rolling in

Cole and I getting ready to take a short walk

John, Cole and I traveled up north to Sedona this weekend to stay in a cabin with our friends, Steve and Kristi. We had so much fun up there. We went up Friday night and stayed until this morning. It was so nice to enjoy the cooler weather and just listen to the sounds of the creek and nature outside of our cabin. Cole had a lot of fun terrorizing Steve and Kristi's Boston Terrier, Monkey. Monkey was not a fan of Cole at all. I don't really blame her because the one time she allowed him to get close to her, he almost poked her eye out.

On Saturday night after Cole went to bed, the four of us busted out the board games. We played Battle of the Sexes, where Kristi and I took on John and Steve. Of course, Kristi and I won because we were able to prove that we are the superior sex. I seriously laughed so hard that I almost peed myself. It was so much fun.

On Sunday morning, John, Cole and I started heading back to Phoenix. We decided to make a spur of the moment stop in Jerome to have lunch, which was great. Apparently, Jerome is a big biker destination, so Cole was fascinated by the all the loud noises of the motorcycles. About an hour from home, we noticed that the a/c in my car wasn't blowing quite as cold as it should have and we realized that the car was overheating! We had to pull over on the side of the road and let it cool off. We drove the rest of the way back home with the windows down and the heat turned on. Not exactly the way that you want to drive through Phoenix when it is 100 degrees outside. Besides the car mishap, we had a great time.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Where were you?

For me and probably most people my age, the horrific events of 9/11 became my first "where were you?" moment in my life. For me it went like this: I woke up that morning and got ready for my first class. When I walking downstairs to leave, another girl from my sorority was also on the stairs rushing down to get to the tv room. She said that her mother had called and something was happening, maybe a bomb. We quickly ran to turn on the tv and watched the news coverage of the first tower burning. It was horrible. We sat in silence for several minutes until I had to leave. I drove over to John's house and I remember walking into his townhouse where he was standing in his living room watching the tv in disbelief. The first thing that he said to me was "did you see this?" We continued to watch until we saw the second tower hit. It was horrible.

Later that day, I went to all my classes, but that was all that people wanted to talk about. I had a hard time getting a hold of both of my parents because all the cell phone signals were down. I remember being terribly worried about my dad because he traveled a lot for his job and traveled to New York on a regular basis. Finally I got a hold of him and he was luckily in St. Louis safe and sound.

Later that evening, my sorority house organized a candle light vigil outside of our house. We invited all of the other fraternities and sororities to join us. It was amazing to see all of these people walking down the street to our house all lit up with candles. It was a sight I will never forget. There were literally hundreds of people standing on our lawn and in the street totally silent.

In 2007, John and I went to New York to celebrate my dad's 60th birthday, since that was where he was born and spent the majority of his childhood. We were able to take the time to go down to where the twin towers had previously stood and it was such a humbling experience. Seeing the tributes and pictures was probably one of the saddest moments of my life. Above are some pictures of the area including pictures that were posted there. There are also two tributes in those pictures, one for the NYFD and one is of a piece of the tower that they salvaged that now is the place of an eternal flame.

I feel like 9/11 holds a different significance for me now that I am a mother. I think of all those parents that lost their children that day and all the children that will grow up without one of their parents and it makes my heart hurt. I think of all those police officers and firefighters that selflessly gave their lives to save someone elses and I pray that John, my cousin Amy and all the other police officers that are a part of my life never have to be a part of an event like that.

As it is for everyone, that day is a day that I will never forget. I hope that Cole can grow up in a world where these type of events are just spoken about in history class. I hope that he never is asked that question "where were you?"

Sunday, September 6, 2009

When life hands you lemons...

apparently you should make a funny face! This picture is from a few weeks ago, but it was so funny that I wanted to put it up here.

Climbing like a monkey

Although he isn't quite walking yet, Cole has figured out how to climb onto our futon! He's turning into a little monkey! He is starting to stand on his own a bit and I feel like those first steps are just around the corner, which is just crazy to think about. We are just over a month away from his 1st birthday and it feels like this year has just flown by! I can't believe that he has gone from a tiny helpless lump to an active little guy with a huge personality. It's unbelievable how much a baby changes in just a year.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

i love my hippy baby

I have officially converted Cole into a hippy baby. He has started wearing cloth diapers and I love them! These are definitely not the cloth diapers that we wore as children, no pins required. Plus they are super cute! John has been a good sport about the whole process even though I know that he wasn't a big fan of the idea. Maybe once Cole is walking, he'll start hugging trees....

Friday, August 14, 2009

Cole's 1st haircut

I took Cole for his first hair cut today. He looks so handsome!

He has traveled to the homeland...

The most important part of our trip to Chicago was Cole's first visit to Wrigley Field. It didn't start off so hot with my mom, Cole and I driving in massive amounts of traffic to get from Naperville to downtown. Where in the world were all these people going in the middle of a Wednesday morning? We finally got downtown, picked up John and headed to Wrigleyville. For those of you who have ever driven to a Cubs game, the parking situation is unbelieveable. We ended up following a weird guy on a scooter (yes, I said scooter) to a parking spot, but at least it was decent and we weren't going to get blocked in. We had lunch at Goose Island and then headed to Wrigley. Cole was on sensory overload with all the people there. I thought his eyes were going to bug right out of his head. The game itself was great with 6 runs scored in the first inning, however Cole did not appreciate all the cheering and he cried during the first 3 or 4 innings. After a while, he got used to all the noise and started to enjoy himself. He even dozed off during the 8th inning. He is apparently a good luck charm because the Cubs beat the Astros 12 to zip that day.

Our trip to Chicago

I know we got back a few weeks ago, but our trip to Chicago was a success. Cole was really good on the plane on the way there and less than stellar on the way back. We crammed a lot of family, friends and fun into 9 days. It was so nice to see everyone again!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ah vacation...

It's almost vacation time for me! John and I are going back to Chicago this Saturday and staying through the week until the following Sunday. John's already been off all this week too because our daycare lady is on vacation, but due to his funky 3 day workweek, he's going to actually be off for 18 days straight! We are looking forward to being in Chicago, visiting with everyone and showing off the munchkin, but it feels like we are going to be super busy rushing from one place to the next. The main reason for our trip is that Chris, my friend from high school, is getting married. I am excited to see everyone; since several of us live out of town, it will be the first time I have seen some people in several years! It will be like a little mini-reunion, so I thank Chris and Marilyn for being so kind to get married for all of us this summer and bringing us all together. I am sure that it's going to be so much fun! I can't wait to see everyone!

I think that John is most excited to take Cole to his 1st game at Wrigley Field next Wednesday. I'm not sure how the wiggle monster will make it through the game, but we are hoping for the best. We probably are most concerned about the plane ride. When we went back in December, Cole was only 8 weeks old, so he was still sleeping a lot. Now, he wants to look at everyone and touch everything, so we are hoping for the best. Wish us luck!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

9 months and cranky....

Cole turned 9 months old yesterday. I tried to get him to take some cute pictures to commemorate the occasion, but he wasn't having any of it. He is cutting his two top, front teeth right now, so he is super cranky. I actually sent a text to John yesterday that said "some evil monster has taken over our baby!" I keep praying that these teeth will break through soon because when Cole's mad about something, he wants everyone to know it! And now, looking at these pictures, I didn't even put the right date on the sign! Sigh, I guess these pictures just weren't meant to be....

Friday, June 26, 2009

Our new adventure....

After 5 1/2 years, John and I have decided to put our house up for sale. We are slowly outgrowing our home and have decided to take advantage of all the low prices of bigger homes. We got in right before the big housing boom, so we are still going to make some money, which is good. We have already had three showings since we officially put it up on the market on Tuesday. It's kind of a pain due to the fact that I have get me, Cole and Ryno out of the house everytime someone wants to come see the place. Wish us luck!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Splish Splash

Cole's favorite time of day is bathtime, which is right before bedtime. Now that he can pull himself up, he likes to watch the bath fill up. It's almost like he's thinking "is it time to get in yet?" Trying to actually bathe him is getting increasingly more difficult as he wants to crawl around, pull himself up on the side of the tub, splash like a mad man and chew on his toys. We try to wash him as quickly as possible so that he can play. I'm pretty sure that he would stay in there all night if we let him!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Ryno's new BFF

Ryno's been pretty sad since his big brother, Leroy has been gone. However, it appears that Cole has decided to fill the role of Best Bud. They are still trying to figure each other out, but Cole loves to follow Ryno and grab on to him and Ryno loves to cover Cole with as many kisses as possible. If Ryno is outside, Cole loves to pull himself up on the back door and watch him.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

So long, Leroy...

At our apartment when we first moved to AZ

Leroy loved that we bought him a house with a pool

Typical Leroy, lounging on the bed

Our sweet old dog, Leroy passed away last night. While we did what we could with the Valley Fever treatment, it was quite likely that he also had liver cancer and his body probably just couldn't fight it. He was an awesome dog and we will miss him terribly. Even though my heart hurts for him, I know that he lived a good life and he loved us.

I'm not a religious person at all, but I like to think that Leroy is up in doggie heaven having a great time. I told John this morning that I hoped that God's caterers are ready for Leroy with some steaks, french fries and peanut butter. John said that with all the beer drinking and up-close sniffing of cigarette smoke that he did in college, Leroy probably won't ever leave the Pub in heaven. I think that he's probably right. Leroy was known to "accidently" knock over your beer so that he could lick it up. We always called Leroy the man's man. He loved beer, cigarettes and even stealing my underwear. Leroy was quite a character and there won't ever be another dog like him. So long, old pal!