Friday, June 26, 2009

Our new adventure....

After 5 1/2 years, John and I have decided to put our house up for sale. We are slowly outgrowing our home and have decided to take advantage of all the low prices of bigger homes. We got in right before the big housing boom, so we are still going to make some money, which is good. We have already had three showings since we officially put it up on the market on Tuesday. It's kind of a pain due to the fact that I have get me, Cole and Ryno out of the house everytime someone wants to come see the place. Wish us luck!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Splish Splash

Cole's favorite time of day is bathtime, which is right before bedtime. Now that he can pull himself up, he likes to watch the bath fill up. It's almost like he's thinking "is it time to get in yet?" Trying to actually bathe him is getting increasingly more difficult as he wants to crawl around, pull himself up on the side of the tub, splash like a mad man and chew on his toys. We try to wash him as quickly as possible so that he can play. I'm pretty sure that he would stay in there all night if we let him!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Ryno's new BFF

Ryno's been pretty sad since his big brother, Leroy has been gone. However, it appears that Cole has decided to fill the role of Best Bud. They are still trying to figure each other out, but Cole loves to follow Ryno and grab on to him and Ryno loves to cover Cole with as many kisses as possible. If Ryno is outside, Cole loves to pull himself up on the back door and watch him.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

So long, Leroy...

At our apartment when we first moved to AZ

Leroy loved that we bought him a house with a pool

Typical Leroy, lounging on the bed

Our sweet old dog, Leroy passed away last night. While we did what we could with the Valley Fever treatment, it was quite likely that he also had liver cancer and his body probably just couldn't fight it. He was an awesome dog and we will miss him terribly. Even though my heart hurts for him, I know that he lived a good life and he loved us.

I'm not a religious person at all, but I like to think that Leroy is up in doggie heaven having a great time. I told John this morning that I hoped that God's caterers are ready for Leroy with some steaks, french fries and peanut butter. John said that with all the beer drinking and up-close sniffing of cigarette smoke that he did in college, Leroy probably won't ever leave the Pub in heaven. I think that he's probably right. Leroy was known to "accidently" knock over your beer so that he could lick it up. We always called Leroy the man's man. He loved beer, cigarettes and even stealing my underwear. Leroy was quite a character and there won't ever be another dog like him. So long, old pal!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Our sweet Leroy

Our wonderful 10 year old black lab, Leroy has been diagnosed with Valley Fever. It's quite serious and probably fatal. There is also a strong possibility that he has liver cancer. I guess he finally had one too many beers! Seriously though, he is had a rough couple of weeks and we are praying for him every day. A few weeks ago, he stopped wanting to eat his food and would only pick at it after a lot of coaxing from John or me. We didn't think it was anything too serious because he would still eat anything else that we gave him: doggy treats, peanut butter, chicken, etc. Over this last weekend, he quit even picking at his food and would only eat some other stuff that we would give him. On Tuesday, John took him to the vet where they drew blood and sent it out to test for Valley Fever and also Tick disease. On Wednesday, the tick test came back negative, but the vet said that Leroy's white blood cell count was out of whack and his liver enzymes were elevated which could be a symptom of the Valley Fever or possibly liver cancer. We didn't hear anything on Thursday and poor Leroy just kept getting worse. He was refusing pretty much all food and mostly just laid around. I was worried that when I got home from work that he wouldn't still be alive and prayed that he would make it until John got home. When John got home, we told him that we loved him very much, but that we didn't want him to suffer and that if he wanted to go, it was ok. It has just been heartbreaking to watch him deteriorate in front of our eyes. We came to the difficult decision that if the vet called and said that it wasn't Valley Fever and that he most likely had cancer, we were going to put him to sleep. There is little that you can do for cancer in a dog and we didn't want our buddy to suffer through chemo and/or surgeries. When I left for work this morning, I was sobbing because I was afraid that he would be gone by the time that I got home. While at work, John talked to the vet and he said that it was in fact Valley Fever, but because of the liver enzymes it could still be cancer. However, Valley Fever can be treatable. I rushed home and prayed that he would still be living, so that I could get him to the vet. They gave him two injections and will be giving him a prescription. I'm not really sure how I am going to get him to take a pill, when he is refusing all food, but we have to at least try. If he doesn't make any progress by Monday, we are probably going to to have to put him down. Leroy has always been our billy goat and has eaten everything he has ever wanted and to let him just starve to death would be cruel. He has had a great life with us and brought us a lot of joy (and some heartache with his antics over the years) and we will miss him terribily if this becomes his time to go. However, I am praying that we are able to get him through this. It's hard to remain optimistic without getting my hopes up to high. Please keep our Leroy in your thoughts.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Happy (Belated) Birthday!

John turned 32 on Saturday. I don't know where the years go. It seems like only yesterday that he was having a fit about turning 30! He got his very first "Happy birthday Daddy" card from Cole, which was fun to pick out. He went golfing with Steven during the day, which I think has been established as a new birthday ritual for the two of them, as Steven's birthday is the day after John's, so they usually celebrate together. We of course went to Benihana's for dinner as we have for the past 4 or 5 years. John believes that all birthdays should be celebrated at Benihana's and has already tried to convince me that Cole should spend his 1st birthday there as well. Somehow, I just don't see that happening. However, Cole was fascinated by our chef and all his wonderful Benihana's tricks.

About a month ago, John had asked Cole if he could learn to crawl for his birthday. And did Cole deliver! Almost two weeks ago, he started moving just a foot or two and now he is crawling all over the place! I swear that he is moving faster every day. It's amazing! Just when I was getting used to this milestone, I walked into his room this morning to see him standing up in his crib! When the heck did he learn to do that? It's just crazy how fast he is growing up.