Friday, January 30, 2009

Art in the desert???

A few weeks ago, my father gave us free passes to go see an art exhibit temporarily being held at the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix. There were about 20 different sculptures done by a guy by the name of Dale Chihuly. He makes these amazing and crazy looking free-form glass blown sculptures. For those of you who have been to the Bellagio Casino in Vegas, he was the creator of the glass sculptures on the ceiling inside the main entrace. His sculptures were located all around the garden. We went in the early evening, so we got there just as the sun was setting. It was beautiful to see all these sculptures both in the light and then all lit up against the dark. Even Cole seemed interested in his first art/cultural experience.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Yay Cardinals!

I know, I know, I'm from Chicago, I am a Bears fan by blood and Grandpa Wally would be so disappointed in me. That being sad, it is still super exciting that the Arizona Cardinals are finally going to the Superbowl! They have had the 2nd longest losing streak next to the Cubs, which is pretty sad. So at least temporarily, I have to root for the hometown team!

Where do the days go??

This is also an excellent view of Cole's totally out of control hair

I realized that it had been two weeks since I last posted, but it seems like just yesterday. With being back at work, the days are just flying by. By the time I come home from work, I feed Cole, play with him for a while, then it is bath time and finally time for bed. Then I have to get all my stuff ready for work the next day, relax for maybe 30 minutes and then I am in bed! And somewhere in there I have to make dinner. It's not a very exciting life nowadays.

Cole is getting bigger and more personable every day. He is working on his rolling skills, but at this point, he can only get from his back to his side and then just stops. He loves looking at himself in the mirror. A lot of times he smiles, so I can only assume he is thinking "who is that handsome guy looking at me?" He also loves to be pulled into a sitting up position, even though he obviously can't sit by himself yet. When I do let him sit up without my help, he starts to fall to the side in very sloooooow motion. It's quite humorous to watch.

Even though football season is almost over, Cole did finally get a chance to wear his Bears sweatsuit that my cousin Amy got him. Something about a baby in a neon orange fuzzy jumpsuit is hilarious! We went to a birthday party that day and he got a lot of compliments!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

3 months already!

The last three months have just flown by! Little Cole is growing bigger by the minute and we are having so much fun with him. He is smiling a lot and starting to make all sorts of silly noises.

Sadly, my maternity leave was over last week and I returned to work this week. It breaks my heart every day to leave him and I already feel like I am missing out on so much with him. Luckily, we have a great daycare situation. John is home with Cole on Mondays all day and Fridays until early afternoon. I get to leave work early on Fridays to spend the rest of the afternoon with him. Tuesday through Thursday our friend Lindsey comes over and watches him, along with her little guy, Larz. Larz is going to be 2 in April, and is quite a handful all on his own, so Lindsey is certainly busy all day long with these two! From what I understand, Cole has been quite the smooth operator with Lindsey and likes to flirt with her by showing off his handsome smile! I am fortunate that I love my job and the people that I work with, so it makes it that much easier to get through everyday. However, I still miss him terribly and can't wait to see him when I get home.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Maybe this year...

Cole is already on the "this is their year" Cubbie bandwagon. Poor guy, he has no idea what kind of heartbreak he is in for. At least he will have his Daddy to commiserate with every year.