Tuesday, October 20, 2009

He's one already???

Somehow, John and I have survived the first year of Cole's life. It was definitely the fastest year of my life. I can't believe how much he has changed these last 12 months. He went from being a screaming, hungry, blob of a baby to this little bundle of energy with a full-on personality. He is like a force of nature. He walks all over the place and just this week has learned how to point at things that he wants. This has made him quite demanding, especially at meal times. If he wants his sippy cup of milk, he points, yells and then bangs on his tray until we give it to him. Just like his daddy, he wasn't overly interested in his cupcake on his birthday. In fact, the first thing that he did was pick it up and throw it to the floor. It's fun to watch him get interested in new things, like when we went to the zoo a few weeks ago. John had him up against the fence and you could just see his little brain wondering "what are we looking at?" He is very curious and so fun to be around. Our favorite game right now is called "I'm gonna get you" in which John or I would tell him that we are "going to get him" and he squeals in delight and takes off waddling away from us, laughing hysterically. Unfortunately at this point, he only has one speed, which is slow. I'm sure that he will be running in no time, which is frightening for those of us that have to keep up with him.

1 comment:

Nikki and Bill Weiland said...

what a BIG BOY. He is so adorable. I think we are planning to come visit during spring training