Monday, December 15, 2008

Ho Ho Ho!

Even though I think that visiting Santa is a little lame and a lot cheesy, John and I took Cole to see the big man himself today. We got him all dressed up in a sweater vest and even put shoes on him for the first time. He was stylin' in those Vans that he got as an early Christmas present from his great aunt and uncle and cousins! He looked so handsome, even though he seemed to hate his outfit and screamed bloody murder for about 20 minutes after I dressed him this afternoon. When we actually got to the mall, instead of freaking out like I thought he would, he actually was asleep for his little visit, so unfortunately, he didn't get to tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas. It was super cheesy, but he looked so cute! Also, getting to see Santa is quite the rip-off nowadays. We bought the cheapest thing we could, which was one 4x6 picture for $15!! We figured we could scan it at home and reproduce it ourselves. The poor kid behind us was in a great mood before pictures and proceeded to freak out as soon as he sat on Santa's lap. Our little man decided to wait until after meeting Santa to begin his meltdown in the middle of the mall. For obvious reasons, we chose to leave at that time. Maybe next year, he'll actually be awake to meet Santa, although he will probably be at just the right age to be scared to death of him like the kid behind us.


Unknown said...

Vilken fin jultomte och vilken söt liten tomtenisse´,
sade uncle Rolf.

Nikki and Bill Weiland said...

very cute!

Danielle said...

That's adorable. You will start to do lots of things you never thought you would nowadays! :)