Monday, October 6, 2008

Being a Cubs fan just equals heartache

As we discovered this weekend, being a Cubs fan pretty much guarantees heartbreak somewhere during the season. Sometimes it's earlier and other times, like this year, it is all the way into October. Cub fans everywhere were ecstatic to see the Cubbies clinch the division early only to watch their beloved team get swept by the Dodgers. For those of you who actually watched the three day massacre, it was pretty brutal. It wasn't even as though we could say "hey, they played great, but the Dodgers just played better". Not a chance: as John put it, "it looked like third grade softball out there."

John has even threatened to become a Yankees fan now. He claims at least this way, he can at least be rooting for a team that not only makes it to the World Series on a fairly regular basis, but actually wins. He even went so far to try and re-name the animals. He told Ryno that he would now be known as Derek Jeter and that Leroy (who doesn't have a Cubs related name) that he would become Reggie, as in Reggie Jackson. I stopped him before he re-named Sammy (the cat) something ridiculous like A-Rod. But as happens every year, I know that when January rolls around, he will start getting all excited again for the upcoming spring training. As they say, "there's always next year..."


The Meyer Family said...

Having married into the Cub fan tradition, I feel your pain, BUT look at it this way, no discussion of John leaving Cole so early in his life to go to a baseball game:)

Nikki and Bill Weiland said...

I am right there with the two of you! Bill can not even hear anything that even rhymes with cubs! He is so upset, poor guys. I have although told him that I will not allow our future children to become cubs fans because that would be child abuse