Monday, July 7, 2008

Back from Colorado

For the 4th of July weekend, John and I went up to visit our friend's Brian, Ashley and their 4 year old daughter Ainsley, outside of Denver. Our other friends, Bill and Nikki came out from Chicago as well, so it was like a little mini-reunion. The guys all went to high school together and hadn't all been together in over a year, so they had lots of fun. Us girls had a good time as well. On the 4th, we went to check out the local festivities, where John escorted Ainsley around the pony ride. He was also a very good sport when Ainsley insisted on putting a tattoo on his neck, which of course looked awesome! Later on that night, we were able to watch the local fireworks show from the front yard. We were also wowed by John and Brian's own fireworks display. While they certainly did give it their best shot, you can only do so much with $12 worth of fireworks. On Saturday, we had some pool time and the girls got pedicures while the guys went to Target, where John helped Ainsley pick out a new Barbie and a tricky to set-up sticker machine as a belated birthday gift. Lucky for Nikki, Ashley and I, Ainsley even let us play with her Barbies. On Sunday, the guys went to the baseball game and the girls checked out downtown Denver. All in all, it was a nice relaxing weekend and lots of fun to catchup with friends.
Not entirely certain why the pictures turned out funky, but enjoy!

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