Saturday, May 31, 2008

Back to the Midwest

Over Memorial Day weekend, John went back to Chicago for two reasons. The first being attending Mike Weis's wedding. He had a great time seeing a lot of his friends from college. From what I understand (even though they are all grown men with children and/or babies on the way) they even pretended like they were back in the frat house with John and Jesse banging on Billy's door at 1am so that they can drink beers. On behalf of John, I would like to apologize to Billy's sleeping wife, Karen. Apparently, they even managed to stay up until the wee hours of the morning, just like the old days. When John called me the next morning he complained that he was a little hungover and I had to remind him that he is over 30 and just can't party like he used to.

And of course, what trip for John would be complete without baseball?? The day after the wedding, the baseball partner in crime Steve showed up at O'Hare. Steve hadn't seen either Wrigley, Comiskey (sorry, US Cellular) or Brewers stadiums. Of course, John was more than willing to visit all of these stadiums again. What a hardship for him, I am sure. John was classy enough to wear his "Sox Suck" t-shirt to the White Sox game and apparently he, Tim and Bill thought it would be awesome to wear matching jerseys to the Cubs game. I pray that this was accidental. Even though the Cubbies won, Steve was apparently unimpressed with the traditonal playing of "Go Cubs Go", but you have to excuse him, because he is a Yankees fan and just doesn't know any better. While at the Cubs game, John even picked up the baby's first Cubs gear; thank you Grandma Laura.

I also had my own adventure while John was gone with the breaking of our hot water heater. It started with a small amount of water in our garage one day and then water running out of our hallway closet the next. You know what is bad business practice? Taking advantage of a pregnant woman who is about to be forced to take a freezing cold shower by trying to charge her $1400 to install a new hot water heater! Even though I had an emotional meltdown on the phone with John twice, he did manage to get it taken care from 1500 miles away in Chicago. With the kindness of his buddy Joe from work, we were able to get a new water heater installed for about $1000 less than "Take Advantage of Pregnant Woman Plumbing". Ah the joys of being a homeowner...

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