Although I haven't been alive for that many elections that I really paid attention to, this election certainly seemed different to me. I don't ever remember seeing people actually be moved to tears like they were when it was announced that Barack Obama will be our new president. We have finally reached a point where Americans were able to look past the color of someone's skin to see what really counts.
John, Cole and I went to vote on Tuesday afternoon after John got off of work. All morning, the news was reporting people standing in line for hours waiting to vote, so I was quite worried that we would have to stand in line and Cole would grace everyone present with one of his meltdowns. Luckily, our polling place was almost empty and we were in and out in 10 minutes and Cole slept through his first experience with the democratic process. Unfortunately, since John and I are at opposite ends of the political spectrum, our votes essentially cancelled each other out, but since Arizona went to McCain anyways, my vote didn't really count at all (darn electoral votes!).
Even though John was disappointed that John McCain lost, even he said that he was glad that our son is going to grow up in a time with a black president and not think it is a big deal. For most of us, this represents a historical moment in our lifetimes, but for Cole, it won't have any real significance for him.