Monday, May 25, 2009

Rock On Gold Dust Woman

John and I went to see Fleetwood Mac in concert last night, which was my Mother's day gift from him. Even though I appeared to be the youngest one at the show, it was amazing! I had no idea it was going to be as great as it was and I was totally blown away. It was crazy to see how a band that has been together since 1965 can still totally rock out. Mick Fleetwood certainly looked his age and all during the show, I kept thinking, "this guy is too old to rock like this" but he totally did. Stevie Nicks has such an unusual and amazing voice, so it was awesome to hear her in person. She rocked out her flowy dresses and the tamborine as only Stevie can do. Very few people can pull off a tamborine, but she manages to do it. They played for almost 2 1/2 hours and sang pretty much everyone of my favorite songs, including "Go Your Own Way" "Gold Dust Woman" "Second Hand News" "Rhiannon" and of course "Landslide".

An interesting bonus to the concert was the very nice, but super weird lesbian couple next to us. The older lady was super chatty and kept me entertained before the concert started. John was actually the one to open the floodgates of conversation with her by commenting on her Cubs shirt, which is also the same one that his Grandma has. Believe it or not, this woman was actually from Naperville. The two of them are super Fleetwood Mac fans and had collectively seen them around 75 times in concert! And to show their hardcore dedication to the band, they even named their daughter Stevie. They kept screaming "We love you, Stevie!" throughout the show. John and I were definitely amused by these superfans. However, it was helpful to sit next to such dedicated fans because we would have missed the last song "Silver Spring" because it was done like a second encore, but our friendly neighbor made sure that we knew to stick around.

All in all, it was a lot of fun and I would definitely go see them again. If you ever get the chance to see them, I highly recommend it.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Seriously, could he be any cuter?

I am sure that I am biased, but I think that John and I have the most handsome baby ever. I always think that he couldn't get any cuter and then he does! Our friend Lindsey took some beautiful pictures of him a few weeks ago and I can't believe how adorable he looks.

In the past week, he has learned to get himself into a sitting up position, so he thinks it is lots of fun to practice that in his crib during nap and night time. We can hear him squealing in there and then when we go in there, he is just sitting up, waving around his blankie and looking pleased as punch with himself. He is also SO close to really crawling. He has been scooting around on his tummy quite a bit and makes some admirable progress that way and in the past two days, he has also started crawling on his own, but only gets about a foot before he stops. John asked him if he could learn to crawl by his birthday, so we will see if that wish comes true...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Is he a celebrity?

Apparently Cole thinks that he is a rock star. We went to visit a friend of John's from work last weekend to meet his new son. His five year old daughter thought he would be funny to put her sunglasses on Cole and she was right, he looked hilarious!

Like mother, like son?

We took Cole swimming in our pool on Sunday. He seemed a little unsure of what was going on, but overall seemed to like it. We even bought him a little floatie to hang out in. In two weeks, Cole and I will be taking parent/tot swimming lessons through the town of Gilbert. I figure that no son of mine is going to be afraid of the water! Plus, doesn't he look adorable in his little swim trunks?

Friday, May 1, 2009

He's almost on the move!

Cole has been getting ready to start movin'! He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth. He also does what I call baby pushups. He loves "practicing his moves" even in the middle of the night, which is fun for everyone!